Elected Board of Directors
Directors as followed:
President-Marilyn Rodriguez
Vice-President- Rene Sandoval
Director of Nutrition Services- Jenny Rodriguez
Director of Youth Programs- Julio Roman
Secretary- Jenna Tarango
Treasurer- until elected, responsibilities will fall onto President.
Members Present: Marilyn Rodriguez, Rene Sandoval, and Julio Roman.
Topics: Fundraiser Ideas, start date for soccer clinics, and selecting a location for soccer clinics.
Duration: 1 hour
Members Present: Marilyn Rodriguez, Rene Sandoval
Topic: Dutch Bros Fundraiser
Duration: 1 hour
Members Present: Marilyn Rodriguez, Rene Sandoval. Jenna Tarango
Topic- Christmas Car Show Fundraiser, hosted by Family First CC North Cal
Budget- $2,000, towards trophies, t-shirts, DJ, Portal Potty service, and security.
Duration- 1 hour
Members Present- Marilyn Rodriguez, Rene Sandoval
Topic- Secretary Resignation, roles will be shared by President and Vice-President
Duration- 30 min
Member Present- Marilyn Rodriguez, Rene Sandoval, Julio Roman, Jenny Rodriguez
Topic- Soccer Clinic start date, equipment, t-shirt design, park, and if weather does not permit soccer clinics will be canceled.
Duration- 1 hour
Members Present- Marilyn Rodriguez, Jenny Rodriguez
Topic- Nutrition Blog
Duration- 30 min
Members Present- Marilyn Rodriguez, Rene Sandoval, Julio Roman, Jenny Rodriguez
Topic- Soccer clinics
Duration- 1 hour
Members Present- Marilyn Rodriguez, Rene Sandoval, and guest presenter Jari Ochoa
Topic- Sacramento State Sorority Volunteer opportunity
Duration- 1 hour
Meeting Title- Board of Directors
Members Present- Rene and Marilyn
Subject- Jenny Rodriguez Director of Diet Nutrition submitted resignation letter.
Duration- 30
Meeting Title- Walk Volunteers
Members Present- Jari and Marilyn
Subject- Dutch Bros Arden will provide 15 volunteers to assist with the walk hosted at Sac State. Board will volunteer their time. Everyone will need to be there from 2:30 to 6pm.
Duration- 30